1. 99% of situations

English Language
hello, goodbye
Nice to meet you
please, thank you
yes, no
excuse me, sorry
wait a minute
I don’t understand

2. Numbers and Time

English Language

3. Greetings

English Language
What is your name?
My name is Zhao
How are you?
I’m good
Where are you from?
I’m from Singapore
I don’t speak language well
I’m learning language
Can you please repeat?
Can you speak slower?
Do you speak _____?

4. Getting information

English Language
Where is the restroom?
What is this?
How much is it?
Do you have _______?
Can I get ______?
What is the best food?
What do you recommend?
How do I go to _____?
How do you say ______?
Is this good?

5. Communicating basic information

English Language
I like this
I don’t like this
I speak language
yesterday, today, tomorrow
morning, afternoon, night
good, bad
cheap, expensive
me too

6. Emergencies

English Language

7. Common Vocabulary

English Language
English, Chinese, Korean
a little, a lot
bus, train, plane

Using ChatGPT to generate this

Fill in the other half with ______ and replace language with ______:

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