1. 99% of situations
English |
Language |
hello, goodbye |
Nice to meet you |
please, thank you |
yes, no |
excuse me, sorry |
wait a minute |
cheers |
help |
I don’t understand |
2. Numbers and Time
English |
Language |
Time |
Prices |
3. Greetings
English |
Language |
What is your name? |
My name is Zhao |
How are you? |
I’m good |
Where are you from? |
I’m from Singapore |
I don’t speak language well |
I’m learning language |
Can you please repeat? |
Can you speak slower? |
Do you speak _____? |
4. Getting information
English |
Language |
Who/What/Where/When/How |
Where is the restroom? |
What is this? |
How much is it? |
Do you have _______? |
Can I get ______? |
What is the best food? |
What do you recommend? |
How do I go to _____? |
How do you say ______? |
Is this good? |
5. Communicating basic information
English |
Language |
I like this |
I don’t like this |
I speak language |
yesterday, today, tomorrow |
morning, afternoon, night |
good, bad |
cheap, expensive |
money |
travel |
me too |
6. Emergencies
English |
Language |
Danger |
Doctor |
Police |
7. Common Vocabulary
English |
Language |
English, Chinese, Korean |
a little, a lot |
bus, train, plane |
Using ChatGPT to generate this
Fill in the other half with ______ and replace language with ______:
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